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What is an ABI?

Acquired brain injury (ABI) is brain damage caused by events after birth, rather than as part of a genetic or congenital disorder. Common causes include falls, road traffic accidents or diseases affecting the brain. ABI can result in cognitive, physical, emotional or behavioural impairments that lead to permanent or temporary changes in functioning.

Who are CQC?

The Care Quality Commission are an independent regulator of health and social care in England, who monitor, inspect and rate hospitals, GPs and care homes, for their fundamental standards of care. These inspections are then rated as Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate.

What does DoLS stand for?

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – are amendments to the Mental Capacity Act 2005, allows restraint and restriction to be used, but ONLY if they are in the person’s best interest.

What is an MDT?

Multi-Disciplinary Team – a group of clinical professionals from different backgrounds working together to provide the best programme of care.

What is SOVA?

Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults – is to protect any person aged 18 or over from abuse. Forms of abuse include; physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, financial abuse, neglect, professional abuse, sexual abuse, racism and sexism. The Bedford Adult Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 01234 276222. Or email address is adult.protection@bedford.gov.uk

Which conditions do you treat?

  • Traumatic Brain Injury – as a result of an accident, fall or assault
  • Acquired Brain Injury – due to a haemorrhage, infection, tumour or hypoxic damage (lack of oxygen)
  • Other Long Term Neurological Conditions that meet our admission criteria

Who do you accept referrals from?

  • National Health Service
  • Local Social Services
  • Legal, insurance and associated Case Management Services
  • Privately

We understand the role of commissioning bodies and very much seek to work closely with those bodies both from a referral basis and in highlighting our therapeutic outcomes and successes.

What is the process of making a referral?

The Admissions Process aims to be straightforward and is designed to help the transition to our Neurological Rehabilitation Unit be as simple as possible. Please click here for further information

At all times throughout this process we will welcome the engagement and input of the families and friends of those individuals considered for referral.  Formal visits to our facility at Manton Heights are welcomed.

Who will fund my placement?

This is normally funded through either the NHS, Social Services (or a combination of) and, in some cases, through insurance.

What belongings will I need to bring with me?

We would suggest that you bring the following personal items; day and night clothes including underwear, coat, shoes/slippers, toiletries, medication, books or other electronic devices such as a laptop or tablet, photographs, glasses, hearing aids, mobile phone and a small amount of money.

Can my family and friends visit the unit?

We have an open-door policy for visiting. However, we would ask your family and friends to refer to your Weekly Programme to ensure they do not visit while therapy sessions are taking place.

Is parking available and is it free?

Parking is free, there are a number of spaces outside the ABI Unit and the main care centre.

Does the service have WIFI?

The service does have WIFI, the password will be available to you on admission.

Can I have my post delivered to the service?

Your post can be delivered to the main service. If you require support to open letters/parcels a member of staff can support you.

Will I need to change my GP Practice?

During your stay at the Manton Heights ABI Unit, it would be expected that you are supported by our retained GP practice, the De Parys Group. There are five surgeries you will be able to attend, all within the Bedford area. Our GP’s are extremely supportive and will do all they can together with our Consultant and team of Therapists to ensure your health and welfare.

Will I need to bring money with me?

To ensure you are able to purchase personal items and access the community we would ask that you bring in a small amount of money. We have a safe where money can be stored, a clear record is kept.

Are staff able to provide me with my medication?

Yes, all of our staff have accredited medication training and are, therefore, able to provide you with your medication in accordance with the prescriber’s instructions.

What is a Review Meeting and how often will it take place?

A Review Meeting is an opportunity for you, your family, your funding placement offer, our Unit Manager and relevant Therapist(s) to meet in order to discuss your progress. Recommendations and future goals will be discussed at the meeting, this usually takes place four to six weeks following your admission.

Will I be involved in the implementation of my Care Plan?

Yes, you will be encouraged to formulate your Care Plan with a member of staff on admission as part of our person-centred approach and be part of the reviewing process on a monthly basis. We would also encourage you to be supported by your next of kin. You will be given the opportunity to make changes, agree and sign any documentation in relation to your needs.

What is a Weekly Programme?

A Weekly Programme is a timetable showing all activities, events and therapy sessions for the week ahead.